Sous vide

I guess if you are here reading that you probably know what is more or less a sous vide cooker and why is it use . In case you don’t I suggest you to read this article: why-cook-sous-vide

The price of sous vide cooker is still quite high even for the domestics models ( around 200$), luckily there is a ton of DIY sous vide  tutorial on the internet check youtube or instructables  for ideas. Most of them use an Arduino board and a rice cooker , the Arduino will act as a PID controler and turn on and off the rice cooker to maintain the temperature that have been set. They may look a bit technical if you never did some electronic or coding, but they are not that hard to follow. The one i followed is pretty simple and well explained :


I you want to learn more about PID controler have a look at that project from Adafruit :

always remind to stay safe when you work with high voltage.


If you are looking for some inspiration on what to cook sous vide check the Chef step youtube channel they have some pretty cool recipes : chef steps